General Tournament Rules and Information
Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the standard rules governing all our tournaments. See below for the specific game settings.
BAM6 Feature Tournament Games
Scroll through for full listing of rules
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition v2012 
Format: 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games (LF, WF, GF – 3/5 games), Double Elimination, 99 Seconds, No Handicap
Console: Xbox 360
Rules: All characters allowed in a three (3) game set. Players who lose a game may change their character, and the winning player is character locked until they lose, however the winning player may change Ultra. Blind pick is available for all matches, contact a judge or bracket runner at the character select screen to adjudicate for you.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event. The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant. 1st Place – 60% and Trophy 2nd Place – 30% 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organiser for SSFIV:AE2012 is Felix
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 
Format: 3/5 Games, 99 Second Timer, Default Damage, Double Elimination, Auto Jump Off
Console: Xbox360
Rules: All characters allowed In a multiple game set, the losing player may change their characters, however the winning player is locked to their characters, assists, team order and assists until they lose. You may not use any glitch that prevents the game from being played.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event. The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant. 1st Place – 60% and Trophy 2nd Place – 30% 3rd Place – 10%
Judges The organisers for UMvC3 is Spoony
Killer Instinct 
Format: 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games (LF, WF, GF – 3/5 games), Double Elimination, 99 Seconds, No Handicap
Console: Xbox One
Rules: All characters allowed In a 3 game set, the losing player may change their character, however the winning player is locked to their character until they lose.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event. The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant. 1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges The organiser for Killer Instinct is TBC
The King of Fighters XIII 
Format: 2/3 Games (LF, WF, GF – 3/5 games), Double Elimination, Standard Timer, No Handicap
Console: Xbox360
Rules: DLC Characters will be playable. The losing player may change their characters, however the winning player is locked to their characters until they lose. The winning player may change character order.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event. The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant. 1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges The organiser for KOFXIII is PyroZeroX
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 
Format: 3/5 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Top 4: 3/5 Games,
Double Elimination, Guard Damage: OFF, 80 Seconds, Life 100%
Console: Playstation 3
Rules: DLC characters are allowed, Combot is banned
In a set of games only the losing player may change characters.
In the event that a Double KO is the result of the last round, a replay match will be played. Same characters must be selected. Random stage. Solo Mode is allowed.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organiser for TTT2 is Gab
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown 
Format: 3/5 Rounds, 3/5 Games, Double Elimination, 45 Seconds, No Handicap
Console: Xbox360
Rules: Life: Default, Time: Default, Dural is banned
Custom Characters will be allowed (bring them on a USB stick)
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organisers for Virtua Fighter 5 are Berzerk and Gab
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate 
Format: 3/5 Rounds, 2/3 Games, Top 4 3/5 Games, Double Elimination, 60 Second Timer, Normal Life
Console: Xbox360
Rules: All characters allowed. Loser may change character. Winner is character locked. Random stage select. Danger zones on
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organisers for DOA5 are Berzerk and Gab
Injustice: Gods Among Us 
Format: 3/5 Games, Double Elimination, Default Timer, No Handicap
Console: Xbox 360
Rules: In a 3 game set, the losing player may change their character, however the winning player is locked to their character until they lose.
All stage interactions are on. The losing player may select a new stage, otherwise the in-game stage selection will be used which will randomise between selected stages.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organiser for Injustice is Disasterpiece
Street Fighter III: Third Strike 
Format: 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games (LF, WF, GF – 3/5 games), Double Elimination, 99 Seconds, No Handicap
Console: Xbox360 (Online Edition)
Rules: Gill is not allowed in tournament play. The in-game judgement feature will be used to decide the outcome of draw games.
Entry Fee: $5 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organiser for SFIII is Muttons
Super Smash Bros: Brawl, Melee, Project M 

For more info refer to the Australian forum on Smashboards
Judges: The SMASH Organiser is Attila
Format: Game version: US Playstation 3
Game Settings: Versus Mode, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games
Console: PS3
Unlimited Characters are banned from tournament play.
If the players do not agree on a stage within 15 seconds, the match will be random stage select.
Entry Fee: $10 per player
Prizes: Full prize pool to be announced in the lead up to the event.
The prize pool will include of a share of the cash entry fees for each tournament entrant.
1st Place – 60% and Trophy, 2nd Place – 30%, 3rd Place – 10%
Judges: The organiser for BBCP is TULF
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