Events Calendar – December 2023

It’s that very special time of year again, one we’ve all been looking forward to for months. A chance to celebrate with friends and loved ones, to look back on the year’s efforts, and then to top it all off with a huge day of fighting game tournaments. That’s right, CouchWarriors Crossup returns in a new one-day format to close out 2023!

This event will also be the CouchWarriors League Winter Season Finale, where our best players land their final blows in the struggle for leaderboard supremacy. There will also be plenty of side-game tournaments, the launch of a Guilty Gear card game, and the CW Community Awards presentation! Read on for the dates and sign-up links for all of December’s #CWLeague events.

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Events Calendar: November 2023

November gives us the opportunity to recharge between a convention-and-major-packed October and the holiday chaos of December. CWL Online events may have concluded for the year, but our regular state ranbats give fighters around Australia the chance to pick up a few more points before the end of the CouchWarriors League Winter Season.

Despite venue issues delaying this schedule release there are still tournaments to sign up for in many states – read on for the dates and sign-up links for all of November’s #CWLeague events.

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Events Calendar: September 2023

With next month’s Big Cheese 4 looming as a major shakeup of the CouchWarriors League ladder, September’s ranking events will be an important warmup and scouting opportunity for top players across our featured games.

The Tekken scene in particular will have a great chance to measure the form of interstate rivals in this month’s CWL Online bracket. We’re also excited to look outside our CWL featured games and put on several prize-supported tournaments for the Brawlhalla community!
That’s just a taste of the action on offer though – read on for the dates and sign-up links for all of September’s #CWLeague events.

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Events Calendar: August 2023

August looks to be an intriguing month around the CouchWarriors League, as many players return from a post-BAM hiatus to once again focus on tournament competition. The Street Fighter 6 metagame continues to mature, and barring significant patches this month’s ranbats should tell us a lot about who currently has a claim to being Australia’s best player.

Meanwhile, this month’s CWL Online bracket offers the Smash scene as a chance to scout interstate matchups ahead of the Big Cheese major – as well as a big chunk of points. That’s just a taste of the action on offer though – read on for the dates and sign-up links for all of August’s #CWLeague events.

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CWL Results & Roundup for September

October was an absolute crucible for our CouchWarriors League hopefuls, with major events studded across the calendar and a ton of points up for grabs.

With some of our more dominant leaders pulling ahead of the pack, a double points win at Dreamhack Melbourne would be one chance to reel them back in. Perhaps the last chance for our resident Victorians, since October’s Major action is all in Adelaide! As if the stage at Rod Laver Arena weren’t high-pressure enough…
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BAM 2022 is Just One Month Away!

There’s a very special atmosphere around the Australian FGC this month – an excitement nobody has felt for several long, major-less years. The twelfth-ever Battle Arena Melbourne finally has a scheduled date and venue, and the biggest international esports tournament on the national calendar is now open for player registration!

Taking place at Melbourne Exhibition Centre from May 13th to May 15th, BAM is a celebration of everything happening in fighting games, right in the heart of the city’s renowned CBD. It’s also the heart of the CouchWarriors League tournament circuit, offering a huge injection of ranking points alongside other prizes and competitions. Attracting champions both domestic and international across a huge range of games, this is the pinnacle of competition for every player (and spectator!) in OCE.


BAM11 crowd popoff

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Event Dates & Details: March 2022

March events are now lined up for CouchWarriors League 2022, with another set of CWL Online monthlies and regional ranbats for players to enjoy. Here are the dates and sign-up links for all this month’s CouchWarriors events across Australia.

You can get all this event information delivered by Twitter or email if you subscribe to our new Revue newsletter!

You can also send us your highlights, photos and stream links on Discord, Facebook or Twitter – help us share your favourite tournament moments with the rest of the AUS FGC!

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CWL Online February Results: Street Fighter V & Tekken 7

A fierce new wave of competition has struck the Australian FGC, as the CouchWarriors League 2022 season is officially underway. While the status of in-person ranbat play is still up in the air for certain states, online monthlies will remain a vital source of leaderboard points for their communities.

In addition to the honour of becoming the first points leader for 2022 in their chosen game, our CWL Online winners this month will be rewarded with an Astro Gaming A20 Headset. So who has been keeping their form over the offseason? Who will set the early pace? For Street Fighter V and Tekken 7, we now have those answers.

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BAM 2021 – Postponed to 2022. New Melbourne July Event planned

To all the FGC community from the dedicated BAM team, we are announcing the postponenment of BAM 2021. After careful consideration of the COVID safety state across Australia, and discussions with the venue we have taken the difficult decision to postpone.

We are moving BAM to its traditional month of May, 2022.  In its place, for those that can attend in Melbourne on July 11th, we will have a special alternative event we dub “BANC” or Battle Arena Nightclub. More on this below

Why Postpone

Due to the Melbourne lockdown recently, with a slow rate of changes to restrictions, the scope of the event has been affected. Adding to the decision, new hotspots in NSW and QLD have diminished the ability for interstate visitors to attend our community’s national event.

In this uncertain environment we cannot guarantee an event befitting the scale and style expected of BAM.

What about my BAM registration?

Our team will remove all registrations and refunds will be issued for BAM progressively over the coming week. The event listing itself will remain so you can keep your bookmark for

We will reopen BAM registration closer to the event.

Alternative Event: BANC

We have an alternative event planned called Battle Arena NightClub (BANC) at the nightclub venue, Inflation in the Melbourne CBD. We recognise there are attendees who would still like to travel on the BAM dates, and take the opportunity to play in a fighting game major.

Looking to make the best we can out of the situation, this event will have big pot bonuses and prizes, at a unique venue.

Registration is found here:

This event will be in a bar/nightclub venue opening up for us through the day, making for a cool fighting club atmosphere.

Pot bonus – $500 minimum (up to $1,000)
We are announcing at BANC there will be a Community prize bonus from CouchWarriors:
$500 for each of these titles. If the registrations for each hit 64 or more we will double it to 1,000

  • SFV
  • Tekken
  • Melee
  • Ultimate
  • DBFZ
  • Guilty Gear Strive

BAM Bounties in effect at the Battle Arena NightClub

The recently announce BAM bounties – which reward the top players at the end of June’s CouchWarriors League ladder in 5 feature titles – SFV, Tekken, Melee, Ultimate and DBFZ.

Top of points in each game will receive FREE entry to BANC and a $50 Mwave voucher

However those players are TARGETED.

The first player to beat that player in the tournament for that game at BANC will win a $50 voucher also.

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