Hyper Magazine – esports special on sale now featuring Australian Fighting Game scene

Hyper Magazine, the longest running independent gaming magazine in Australia, has released its quarterly special, with the theme of esports.
The issue features a six page special feature on the Australian fighting game scene by CouchWarriors own Daniel “Berzerk” Chlebowczyk and members of the FGC!
In print at newsagents everywhere now.
The piece features interviews with top players and organisers:
Xavier “Somniac” Nardella (SFV),
Sam “SD” Darroch (Melee),
Adric “Falco” Middleton (SFV),
Jacob “Cabjoy” Bynes (MKX),
Kevin “Burnout” Kim (SFV),
Youssef “FaYd” Faddoul,
Daniel “Spoony” Finegan (CouchWarriors),
Henry “Genxa” Sham (OzHadou)
Plus standalone interviews with Somniac, SD, Berzerk and more.
Here’s a preview shared by Berzerk on Twitter: