BAM12 COSPLAY COMPETITION With Guest Judges and CrunchyRoll Expo Prizes

We are pleased to announce BAM12’s official cosplay competition! Join us in your best fighting game costume for a chance to win some awesome prizes and your very own BAM Trophy! Not only is BAM Australia’s biggest fighting game event, it’s a gaming festival, so we would like to invite everyone to appear in character!
Join our cosplay guests TJ Cosplay and AstroKerrie Cosplay on SUNDAY MAY 15 at BAM, held at MCEC. All you need to register is a Spectator Pass ($25) at
There’s over $250 in cash and prizes for the Cosplay, Plus, TOP 4 – Passes to CrunchyRoll Expo!
Photography: On the floor of BAM, we will have a photo wall and photographer onsite, so there’ll be great shots to come from the event. We also welcome photographers to join the event!
Cosplay Changerooms: There will be a dedicated space off-floor for Cosplayers to change.
Battle Arena Melbourne 12 Cosplay Competition
BAM Info:
May 15 (Cosplay welcome all three days of event)
Cosplay registration:
Just register in person at the Registration Desk. You can also pre-fill some info for our judges by entering details on this form
Event Entry: Only a spectator pass ($25 for weekend) is required.
- Registration Ends 12:30PM Sunday
- Pre-Judging 1pm to 2pm (Marshall at Photo wall 12:45)
- Parade: 2:30PM Sunday (Marshall at Photo wall 2:15)
Fighting Game characters (Has appeared in a fighting game)
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Bays 23 & 24
Spectator pass – $25
TOP 4 – Pass to CrunchyRoll Expo
1st Place $125 Cash and a BAM Trophy!
2nd place $75
3rd place $50
Plus, Anime Blu-Ray and Merch!
Follow the BAM12 Facebook Event for updates
TJ Cosplay and AstroKerrie Cosplay
- You must purchase a spectator pass to compete.
- Please register for the cosplay competition at the registration desk at entrance
- Your costume must be a character that has appeared in a fighting game.
- Handmade and bought costumes are both acceptable, however handmade costumes will be rated higher in judging.
- When you’re on stage, we want to see you embody the character! Be ready to answer some questions about your costume, too.
- Most importantly, have fun!