CouchWarriors Crossup 2 Major Results

The second edition of CouchWarriors Crossup, our end-of-year Mini-Major, was held December 14th at Bayview on the Park in Melbourne. Here’s a summary of the results in every game and how the top matches turned out. A complete listing of match results and brackets for each game can be viewed on here.
CWC2 marked the finale for Season 2 of the BAM Path to EVO! The top ranked players in each of Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11 and Smash Ultimate received sponsored flights to the event to compete. The final standings can be viewed here. Note that NZ players Daniel “Kanga|Wowzer” Cossington (Tekken) and Reagan “S-NET|GhostChips” Kelly (SFV) finished on top in their respective games, but declined the prize.
Street Fighter V
- DS|Somniac
- GG|Rumours
Christian “ORDER|ROF” Dedalija has been absolutely unstoppable in the last few months of Street Fighter competition, and capped the year off with a dominant run here. Despite only earning points from three events for the BPTE season, he was able to take down the season champ Yuvin “GG|Rumours” Manadeniya when it mattered most.
Street Fighter V Top 3 #CWC2019
? @RoF_uu
? @Somniacs
? @RumoursAU#sfv— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 15, 2019
Tekken 7
- Kanga|Chand NY
- DS|dANiel
- Mr-Kojeski
With top BPTE points-getters Wowzer and Chang Seop “Rest” Park nowhere to be seen in top 8, the route to victory looked clear for Season 1 champion Naveed “Kanga|Chand NY” Iqbal.
Tekken 7 #CWC2019 Top 3@Naveedi07@ng_daniel@MrKojeski#Tekken7
Prizes! $100 voucher thanks to @MwaveAu, Nacon Ps4 controller thanks to @BluemouthInt and @AnimeLab pass thanks to @Madman— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Mortal Kombat 11
- DS|Waz
- GG|Gilbagz
- ODT|GooGie
Tasman “DS|Waz” Stoker bounced back from a heartbreaking finish at Interkontinental Kombat to prove he’s still the king at home, finishing CWC as the only BPTE points champion to go on and win in their game.
MORTAL Kombat 11 #CWC19 Top 3
? @Wazminator capping off a dominant year
? @Gilbagz
? @GooGieMonA#MK11 Winners each won a copy of the game on Switch for training on the go thanks to @WBGamesAus— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
DragonBall FighterZ
- KHFC|Agent17805
- KHFC|Novix
John “ZEDD” Le mustered up an incredible charge through Losers in DBFZ, making it all the way back to reset the bracket in a tight Grand Finals set against online stalwart Ray “KHFC|Agent17805” Usanto. But after an incredibly tight set where each player won the same amount of games it was the popular “Agent Numbers” who came out the winner.
Dragon Ball FighterZ #CWC19 Top 3
? @ray_agent17805
? @Zed_sfv
? @Guumi_AU#dbfz— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Soul Calibur VI
- Glen
- DaBeast
SoulCalibur VI Top 3 at Couchwarriors Crossup 2
1st Glen (middle)
2nd @DaBeast151 (left)
3rd @_jelart (right)#SOULCALIBURVI— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Samurai Shodown
- DS|Somniac
- Rupps
- Tomo009
Xavier “DS|Somniac” Nardella has taken out the last few CW VIC ranbats in SamSho showing rock-solid fundamentals for the game – so it was no surprise to see him take out this bracket to back up a solid 2nd place finish in SFV.
Samurai Shodown Top 3 at Couchwarriors Crossup 2
1st @Somniacs
2nd @Oi_Rupps
3rd Tomo009— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Dead or Alive 6
- CW|Berzerk
- Homu|Javi
- TRIxFLOOFY|Borgieman
“Rumours of collusion swirl as CouchWarriors staff sweep major tournament.”
Dead or Alive 6 #CWC19 Top 3
? @BerzerkDC
? Javi
? @Damn_Borgieman#doa6— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Tekken 7 3v3s
- iNf|Bboy Phoenix / DS|dANiel / DaBeast
- FAM|Gun_Mo / Antman / Zyzz
- Kanga|Chand NY / DS|MM|dreadtech / Kanga|Temeflaps
Daniel “DS|dANiel” Ng ended up getting revenge on Chand NY for his grand finals defeat in the singles as the “Body Squad” crushed the Kanga boys en route to victory in this team event.
Winners of the Tekken 3v3 team tournament at CouchWarriors CrossUp. The Body Squad takes first place!
Congrats to @ng_daniel, @DaBeast151, and Bboy Phoenix.
— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
- Feri
- ashxu
- EMO|Forte
Gutu “Feri” Hassan was flexing on the anime scene this weekend, smashing the win in Xrd and following up with a strong 3rd place in BlazBlue.
Guilty Gear xrd Rev 2 #CWC19 Top 3
? @AscendedFeri
? @ashxu_
? @ForteGS#ggxrd— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
- Silent
- DONG|ASingleSnail
- Frank
A lot of challengers have made it onto the podium for UNIST over the last few months, but so far nobody can topple Silent.
Under Night in-Birth Exe:Late[st] #CWC19 Top 3
? @2dSilent
? @ASingleSnail (not pictured)
? Frank #UNIST— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
- JediLink
- Arty Blazy
- Homu|Javi
BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle #CWC19 Top 3
? @JediLink123
? @ArtyBlazy
? Javi#bbtag— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
BlazBlue: Central Fiction
- Morpher
- Homu|Javi
- Feri
Huge shoutouts to Javi, who entered four different events at CWC to come up with 5th, 3rd, 2nd and 2nd! A true renaissance man of the FGC.
BlazBlue:Central Fiction #CWC19 Top 3
? @MorpherRachel
? Javi
? @AscendedFeri#bbcf— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Smash Ultimate
- Kanga|Ghost
- Kanga|Jdizzle
- DS|Extra
There had been a lot of anticipation around this event and the chance we would see the elite of Victoria go head-to-head for the first time in a while at CW events. In the end, Nick “DS|Extra” McKenzie fell to the one-two punch of Kanga Esports, with Josh “Kanga|Ghost” Francis looking especially clean in an impeccable winners side run. BPTE points leader and BAM11 champion Ben “411|Ben Gold” Gold finished 17th after a shock loss in pools to Little Mac specialist Daniel “OnePhoAll” Tran.
Just the usual kind of thing you see everyday in the K.Rool – Little Mac MU.
Still gathering recap data for @CouchWarriors #CWC2019, so if you have good pics/clips/stories from the weekend please send them my way ?
— Tom Anderson (@awanderingbard) December 16, 2019
Smash Melee
- DS|Sora
- FURY|Fess
- BBB|prolificjuice
Josh “DS|Sora” Lyras cemented himself as the most valuable signing of 2019 as he improbably triumphed in both the singles and doubles events for Melee! We’ll see if this run continues into 2020.
Super Smash Bros Melee #CWC2019 singles and doubles Champion!@LilTrickshot
LS25 headset Prize thanks to @BluemouthInt
— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Ultimate Doubles
- Kanga|Jdizzle / ATH|DD
- DS|Extra / R!OT|Dome|Duon
- OnePhoAll / Aya & 411|Ben Gold / SadHour
True love finds a way.
Congratulations to our #CWC2 Smash Ultimate Doubles Champions @Jdizzle_203 and @DefectiveDagger
— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Melee Doubles
- DS|Sora / 411|Ben Gold
- Ryzuul / Zhye
- Fess / Splice
Rivals of Aether
- Ryzuul
Jacob “Ryzuul” Biziuk continues to establish himself as another of our true multi-game talents with strong placeings across five events.
CouchWarriors Crossup 2019 Rivals of Aether Top 3:
? @Ryzuul
? @SNC_Sector7G
? @bigbeno37OSU has secured 2nd place for the RCS Australia season, with SNC becoming a two-time AU RCS champion. Which of these players will flying out to Genesis 7?#CWC2019 #RivalsofAether #G7
— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Splatoon 2
- Team Nex
- Gamers @ Work
- Team Magey
CouchWarriors Crossup 2019 Rivals of Aether Top 3:
? @Ryzuul
? @SNC_Sector7G
? @bigbeno37OSU has secured 2nd place for the RCS Australia season, with SNC becoming a two-time AU RCS champion. Which of these players will flying out to Genesis 7?#CWC2019 #RivalsofAether #G7
— CouchWarriors (@CouchWarriors) December 14, 2019
Phew, that’s a lot of games! For a so-called “mini-major”, CWC2019 felt like a very worthy celebration of the FGC and featured a chunk of Australia’s top talent – meaning all the more congratulations are in order for our winners!
Stay tuned for more detailed coverage of this great event and related news!