Event Dates – December 2019

Wondering where you can find details for all upcoming CouchWarriors events for the month in one place?
Well, it’s always a good idea to check our Facebook. But now these simple roundup posts will also serve as a quick reference here on the site.
Check out what we have for December, and look forward to a fresh update on the 1st of each month!
CouchWarriors QLD Ranbat – November 30th, 9AM-9PM. QUT Gardens Point Campus, 2 George St Brisbane, S Block Level 5.
SFV, Tekken 7, DBFZ, Smash Melee, Smash Ultimate, Melee Doubles, Ultimate Doubles, SamSho, USFIV, Fantasy Strike
Smash @ Swanston – December 6th & 13th, 5:30PM-9:30PM. RMIT Building 8, Megaflex 3.
Smash Ultimate
CouchWarriors Crossup 2 – End of Year Major – December 14th, 10AM-10PM. Bayview on the Park, 52 Queens Rd Melbourne.
twitch.tv/couchwarriors – Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11
twitch.tv/couchwarriorssmash – Super Smash Bros Ultimate
twitch.tv/melbournemelee – Super Smash Bros Melee
twitch.tv/newgameplustv – Soul Calibur VI, Dead or Alive 6
twitch.tv/oceaninksquids – Splatoon 2
SFV, Tekken 7, MK11, DBFZ, SCVI, SamSho, DoA6, GGXrd Rev2, BlazBlue:CF, UNIST, BBTAG, Smash Melee, Smash Ultimate, Melee Doubles, Ultimate Doubles, PM, Smash 64, RoA, Splatoon2 Teams
Big Cheese 2 – SA Major – December 6th-8th, Level 5 & 6 of Union House, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide
twitch.tv/KPKaiza (Level 5 Stage)
twitch.tv/SASmashTV (Level 6 Stage)
Tekken 7, MK11, GGXrd Rev2, BlazBlue:CF, UNIST, UMvC3, SFIII: 3rd Strike, Smash Melee, Smash Ultimate, Melee Doubles, Ultimate Doubles, PM, Splatoon2 Teams
Good luck to everyone signing up to fight at these events! Remember to check back here for post-event results and Path to EVO updates.